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9 názorů na “Listen and Read Chapter 3 The First Pranks”
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Geppetto´s house was small, but comfortable. Geppetto made Marionette and call him Pinocchio.
The Marionette came alive. Pinocchio was bad boy. he ran out into the street. Geppetto couldn´t catch Pinocchio. Carabineers helped him.
Geppeto come home with a piece of wood and started making a marionette. Geppeto called it Pinocchio. Pinocchio had a longer and longer nose and Geppeto the nose cut . Pinocchio was a bad boy but carabiner put to prison Geppeto and gave Pinocchio liberty.
Také jsem si vyhledala druhou kapitolu v lekci 13. Musím se ale přiznat, že ji poslouchám často, protože tento skvělý přednes hodně napomáhá porozumění, zatímco tomu monotónnímu čtení, které je např. v této lekci, rozumím mnohem hůř.
Dobrý den, Šárko, už je to opravené.
Dobrý den, Soňo,
jestli jsem dobře pochopila, tak mám poslouchat a číst druhou kapitolu. Poslech z druhé je, ale text je tu ze třetí.
Text i poslech druhé kapitoly jsem si našla v jiném dni, tuším 13, tak mám úkol splněn:-). A pokud se to mělo týkat třetí kapitoly, tak koukám, že poslech a čtení bude zítra – den 25. Krásný den.
Commentary on chapter number two:
A dapper little old man called Geppetto visited Master Antonio in his shop. Geppetto thought of making himself a beautiful wooden Marionette that will be able to funny. Geppetto and Master Antonio had a blow-up and had a fight in Antonio’s shop. The problem was first time for the sake of wig and Geppetto’s nick name “Polendino” and second time for the sake of wee little voice. But finally they made up each other happy and swore to be good friends for the rest of their lives.
Geppetto started to cut the puppet (marionette), then called him Pinocchio. During his work Pinocchio got alive (his eyes were moving, his nose became longer and longer, he also kicked Geppetto). He showed Geppetto to be a naughty boy. Geppetto took him as his own child. He learned him to walk. Pinocchio flew out of his home, so Geppetto ran after him in the streets and couln´t catch him. A policeman managed to stop him. Geppetto wanted to punish him (he just did it a little) but was accused for being bad to Pinocchio and was sent to prison. Pinocchio was free though.
Geppetto brought home a piece of wood from which he made a Marionette and called it Pinocchio.
Yes Dáša, brief but to the point.