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Tento obsah je chráněn, přihlaste se a zapište se do kurzu, pokud chcete odkaz zobrazit!
28 názorů na “Listen and Read once more: Pinocchio Chapter 1”
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Dobrý den.
-in nick of time
Je toho asi vice,ale každým poslechem se mi to rozkrývá.
Vadí,že si čtu k poslechu i text?
It was much better to read the story and listen to it together. I cought most of this fairy tale, but there are still a lot of words I didn’t understand. But it was just the second lesson in Chapter 1, so I’ll hopefully and step by step improve both of these skills. Thank you for this nice story and I’m looking forward to the next lessons about a carpenter and his future wooden son named Pinocchio.
Far from it….to make cold rooms cozy and warm, it looked like a ripe cherry, beseeching tone – zatím nevím význam, ale slovíčko už mi uvízlo v hlavě, the same as any other, he regained the use of his senses
centuries ago, once upon a time, to burn in the stove, peel of the bark
Nutkání hledat význam je velké, ale nic nehledám. Tak asi čte knížky anglicky Nina :).
Centuries ago, immediately, you are mistaken, a piece of wood, how this really happened, an old carpenter, he called him, as soon as, peel, tiny voice, the shavings, cried the same far-away, trembling, stuttering, it giggled, tickle
centuries ago, once upon a time, master Antonio, old carpenter, he found a piece of wood, not expensive piece of wood, tip of his noise, red and riped cherry, everyone calls him Master Cherry, leg of table, peel of, please be carefully, don’t hurt, cried the same far away little voice, there is no one around, i can hardly believe it, any other, must someone be hidden in it, both hands, unmercifully, even up, he listen in it, it can easily be seen, well, well, he tried to see it, and even, he heard the same tiny voice, pour master cherry, felt down on the floor, scared, from red to deepest purple
Once upon a time, a piece of wood, stop it, you hurt, you tickle my stomach and many others. It is nice fairy tale for understanding because I know it, so I am looking forward to hearing other chapters.
I love the story, too, Lenka. I think Carlo Collodi understood children and the way they think so much.
– it looked like a ripe cherry
– his funny face became still funnier
– to find out where the wee, little voice had come from
– under the bench
– inside the closet
– among the shavings
– to look up and down the street
– might it be that this piece of wood has learned to weep and cry like a child?
– Stop it!
– you tickle my stomach
– well, well – to work once more
Once upon a time; a piece of wood; far from it; I don’t know how this really happened; everyone called him; as soon as; frightened eyes; little voice; no one; once more; like a child; I can hardly believe it; nothing; Oh, I see; in order to gain courage
Great list, Eliška.
You Are mistaken, piece od wood, no one, Tiny voice
Výborně, Evo.
You are mistaken; once upon a time; a piece of wood; cozy and warm; an old carpenter; the tip of his nose; rubbing his hands; to peel off the bark; wee little voice; he saw no one; his eyes popped out of his face; I can hardly believe it; he grabbed the log; he waited a few minutes – nothing; stop it; you tickled my stomach; and others.
Centuries ago, a piece of wood, nothing, immedietly, little readers, once upon time, far from it, put on, his really name is, look like, as soon as, robin, a leg of the table, stood still, pleace be carefull, no one, he opend the door, like a child,I will fix him, and even, he waited … minutes, pick up. this time, even the tip of his nose.
Great list, Monkia!
Once upon a time, you are mistaken, far from it, carpenter, tip, ripe, filled with joy, rubbing his hands, mumbled, nick of time, grabbed the log, chin, he was about, far-away, poor fellow, fell as if shot, bark, beseeching tone, scratching his Wig. U některých slovíček přesný překlad neznám, domýšlím si jej.
Excellent list, Dagmar.
Domýšlení je přesně to, kam vás vedu. Je to jedna z nejdůležitějších dovedností v cizím jazyce. Protože je to o sebevědomí. Když někdo v češtině huhlá a my nerozumíme, tak si vše ochotně domyslíme. V cizím jazyce ale najednou máme pocit, že když nerozumíme, tak budeme za tydýty. Takže výborná práce.
Once upon a time, a piece of wood, far from it, blow upon, even up to…
Well done, Brigite.
piece of wood, king, mistaken, trembling, see, no one, poor, stomach, tiez ma to tahalo k prekladu so slovníkom ale som si povedala že idem podľa zadaní, veď sa nikam neponáhľam.
Excellent, Jarmila. A skvělé, že jste nepodlehla nutkání 🙂
Immediately, mistaken, piece of wood, cozy, his real name, called him, shiny, joy, quickly, he had heard, be careful, don’t hit me, funny face, under the bench, no one, I see, laughing, tiny voice, well, you hurt, I will fix him, both hands, unmercifuly, up to the ceiling, nothing, with his hand, on the floor
Great job!
cozy, mumbled, frightened, no one, I see, ceiling, giggled. Dále je tu spousta neznámých slovíček a musím se bránit nutkání si je vyhledat a zapsat 😊
Správně , Markéto, braňte se 🙂 Tím, že si slovíčka hned zapíšete, dáváte signál svému mozku, že už je vše uloženo v externí paměti a že se nemusí snažit si je zapamatovat. V následující lekci se dozvíte význam spousty slov a zase je jen aktivně zkonzumujte bez toho, abyste se je začala šprtat.
piece of wood, they called him; no one,no one, hot, voice, noice,
Dobrý den, Moniko, vidím, že už pracujete. To je super, klidně si do začátku výzvy první kapitolu několikrát (nejl=pe každý den poslechněte). Začneme 25.9. a vy už budete mít spoustu věcí v uchu, takže vám to půjde jako po másle.