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17 názorů na “Čtení a poslech: Can Money Buy Happiness?”
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I think that it is very important to have some money. But more important for me is to be healthy and to have a home with kind members of family and friends. However having money makes to improve the quality of life possible to everyone and nowadays also if it is necessary money allows us to buy some expensive medicine. So, it is better to be health and rich, than to be poor and ill.
I think that money is a good servant but a bad man.
Money is quite important, but it isn’t everything. Happiness and health don’t buy for them. Life is nicer and better with money.
Famous English writer Wilbur Smith said : The money brought me freedom. I worked hard, I made money, I have freedom. He means, that he can decide about his life. For example he doesnť ask employer for holiday, he can leave whenever anywhere .
It must be very nice, but I am convinced, that health is most important. And also have real friends in life.
Ererybody are right.
Money is important for a more comfortable life. I believe it make us happier. But it is important to have someone to enjoy the money with. My familly and my friends are more than the money.
The money are important for our life and we need it. It’s better to be rich and healthy then poor and ill.
Exactly, Monika. Just watch out for this typical Czech mistake: Money IS important. It is an uncountable noun (nepočitatelné podstatné jméno).
I think money can help bring happiness.
Me too 😀
It is better to be healthy and rich than poor and sick (or ill?)
And I think the most important things is to have happy close people around me and money only for normal life.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Hanka.
Hi Janis,
thanks for your words. ❤️
Thank you again for your comment, Šárka. Have a nice evening ❤️
The happinesss is the nice thing but money doesn’t buy it. It’s a part of song. Singer sings about rich life but the common things are important for life. But we don’t know the price for happiness. I think that the happiness is healthy family, love of my family and enough money for satisfied life.
Hi Sarka,
I know from my own experience that money does not buy happiness and that your health and your loved ones are the only things that matter in life. Thank you for sharing your insight. 🙂
Money is not ewerything . (ale ? lepší je být zdravý a bohatý než chudý a nemocný)
You are right, Libor. Money isn’t everything, but it is nice to have it. Zkusíte přeložit ten slavný bonmot? Myslím, že už máte dost slovní zásoby i gramatiky 🙂 Nápověda lepší než = better than