Předpřítomné časy
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- Napište do komentáře několika větami odpověď na tyto otázky:
- Which countries have you visited. Příklad: “I have visited Croatia and Turkey.”
- What did you see and do there. Příklad: “I saw Dubrovnik and other historical cities in Croatia. In Turky I stayed in a resort and I didn’t see much.”
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43 názorů na “Předpřítomné časy”
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I have visited Italy, Portugal, England, Ireland, Spain and many others. When I was single I travelled a lot. I don’t have much time now. I saw many cities and I met people which i never forget. Always I tried to feel the country, to speak with locals and I have to say that I prefere the countries with a little bit of chaos in their cultural habits than the proper one’s.
I have never been to Italy.
I have never been to Hawai.
I have visited USA. I saw especialy New York, Washington. New York is beautiful city.
I thought about visiting New York once, too. What time of year did you visit?
I think it will be 4 years..New York I have to recommend, it´s unbelievable city.
I have never been to the USA, except the airport in Atlanta. Is this country worth visiting? And which place did you like the best?
The USA is such diffrent world that it is really worth visiting. I liked Central park, streets, the overal atmosphere. Also Washington was amazing, alle the museums there. And I was enchanted by Pensylvannia and “Amish people”. For me all wonderful
Among the countries I visited, I have the most fond memories from Spain and Italy. In Spain I was multiple times, once on honeymoon, and saw most of Gaudi’s buildings. We travel regularly to Italy for winter ski holiday.
I love Italy and Spain too. Which of the places you have visited in those countries are your favourite?
I have visited Italy with my family.
We saw Brixen, that’s a very interesting and beautiful town.
We skied in a mountain resort Plose.
I have visited Tunis or Austria. I was in Tunis in Sahara. Sahara is so beautiful place. I saw oaza or salt lake Chott el Djerid with sunrice. I traveled with my husband across Tunis. And I was in Austria with my kids in mountain.
I haven’t been to a desert. It must have been so romantic moment at sunrise.
I have been in Australia. I have visited my brother in Sydney. It is nice city.
I have never been to Australia. I know Sydney only from pictures 🙂 How big is the city?
I visited many interesting places in Europe since 2000. I am interested in paintigs, so I like to visit museums and galleries.
Have you visited Louver? I was there when I was 13. It was a great expirience for me. One day I would like to visit it again.
I have been there too. It is really amazing.
I have visited Countries in Europe, ie. Austria and its lakes, Croatia with nice town Novigrad and Slovak republic with the mountains. Every country was different and each of them could offer somethink else. I hope, I can see other cities, countryside and i can return there.
I have never been to Slovakia in the mountains. Could you recommend me some place?
I have been in the mountains in Austria. We walked around Nassfeld. Here were a lot of waterfalls and streams. There was a wonderful view on the hills.
Nice! I have never been there. The nature must be wonderful. What is the best season to visit mountains for hiking?
I’ve visited only few countries and i really couldn’t imagine, how my heart can grow by knowing various people, cultures and dialects.
In Slowak republic i usualy spend almost every year few days at a small village Zákamenné on Orava. It is beautiful nature there, very polite children to the visitors and residents are known by theyr hospitality.
In Germany is a pretty small town called Herrnhut, a well known place for christians.
Me and my huzband visited Jesus house there, bakery, few favourite restaurants and even walking was very fine there.
One uncommon think, i repeatedly lived through in this town was a deep, deep peace.
I’ve never been to Slovakia but I’ve lived in Germany for 2 years. I don’t know Herrnhut, but it’s a good tip for a trip. Have you tried some bread in Germany? It is absolutly different from our Czech one.
Oh no, i haven’t tested theyr bread, i have eaten almost all kebab, they have had there. Sorry, i have found your comment only now.:)
I have visited Grand Canaria. I saw beautiful flowers and the ocean.
I haven’t been to the Canary Islands but I would like to go. What did you like the best there?
I have visited several countries, for example Australia, Tenerife, Norway, Sweden. I really liked nature in all these countries.
You liked the countryside, right? 😉 I have never been to any of theses countries. Which one did you like the best?
The best I liked Australia, we wisited our son there 6 years ago and we spent there wonderful Christmas. Australians were very nice and talkativ.
But the other countries are charming as well and I would like to come back there soon.
Nice! Is there any special Christmas tradition in Australia?
I have visited only several countries. I really enjoyed Slovakia’s mountains Nízké Tatry. Theirs pure nature is breathtaking. It was challenge to me to climb up to the Dumbier in swimsuit. It was great experience to me.
Their nature must be really amazing. How many times have you visited the Slovakian mountains?
We have not so many possibilities to travel in this sad times. But I was three times in Croatia during the summer. I visited Orebic as usual. I love this place on Peljesac and I have been there for many times. I was on Brac also where I spent one week in Supetar.
Yes, you are right. We don’t have so many opportunities to travel in these sad times. But I remember that you visit Croatia every year, right? What is the best thing you have seen there?
I have visited Croatia with my family. We saw again our friends who live there. We enjoyed our time together and it was amazing 🙂
How many times have you visited Croatia?
We were in Croatia for the second time. We met our hosts last year and found that they are amazing people – almost like grandma and grandpa 🙂 That’s why we’re so looking forward to it 🙂
I have been there too and completely agree with you 🙂
I have visited Poland with my husband. We visited Krakow and beautiful salt mine near there.
I have been there too! I went there with my mum when I was 14 and we visited the salt mine as well. How many times have you been to Poland?
I have visited many countries, for example Australia and Spain.
In Australia, I saw Melbourne and it’s surroundings, Sanctuary animal park, virgin forest and many other historical sights.
On Fuerteventura (one out of the five Canarian islands). I saw the most beautiful beaches in the world and many handsome surfers there. 🙂
I have never been to Australia but I have been to Spain many times. I haven’t been to Fuerteventura, but maybe one day …
Did you like Melbourne and its surroundings? I’ve heard that Melbourne is one of the most cultural cities in the world.