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Word Formation I
Another task, that usually gives students trouble, is word formation. It tests how you can use English vocabulary in context and how flexibly you can express yourself.
Read carefully how to study these vocabulary sets. They are different than the usual ones!!
Na každé kartě jsou 2 slova. Např. interest – zajímavý Ale není správný překlad! Co s tím? Máte totiž ze slova interest (zájem) udělat slovo zajímavý, tedy interesting. Na další kartě je správná odpověď a zase původní slovo : interesting – zájem. Procvičovat tedy oběma směry.
- Do the Word Formation tests 1 and 2 – 10 minutes.
Načítám cvičení– 5 minutes.
Načítám cvičení– 10 minutes.
- Do the tasks again – 5 minutes.
Tady je důležité nechat mozek fungovat na autopilota, ale až se budete ke cvičení vracet, tak se nezapomeňte podívat také na logiku věty. Často se totiž stane, že studenti doplní správný tvar slova, ale logicky do věty patří ZÁPOR nebo MNOŽNÉ ČÍSLO. A jak se na tohle cvičení systematicky připravit? Pokaždé, když čtete, tak si všímejte tvarů slov, tj. předpon a přípon.
Test 1
Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line.
Test 2
Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. One of the things that worries people
is the environment. (DAY) First, we ought to start paying attention to the 3 Rs: reduce,
and (USE) Second, to reduce the
of fossil fuels, it is a good idea (CONSUME) Last but not least, we should reduce the use of plastic. One of the new In
, if every one of us starts doing the above mentioned, (CONCLUDE)
Recently, there has been a lot of
about the right ways (DISCUSS)
to deal with issues, such as recycling, fossil fuels or plastic waste.
recycle. That means
of what we buy, using old things (THINK)
in new ways and recycling as much as we can.
to stop using cars on daily basis and opt for cycling or walking.
The added benefit will be our better physical condition.
trends is to use a linen bag for fruit and vegetables. What’s more, new,
plant-based materials are being developed which might at least
substitute plastic in food packaging. (PART)
we will slow down the
of the planet significantly and (DESTROY)
we will give the future generations a chance to live in a
and beautiful environment.
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8/10,8/9 … and one of this mistakes was a typing error. ( honestly – quizlet was quite helpful 🙂 )