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17 názorů na “Multiple choice – your choice”
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… (A. any, B. every, C. most, D. lot) of my friends and colleagues who are in their late thirties to early forties have reached their milestones. They have a husband – not always the best choice – and one or two children, which they proudly show … (A. on, B. at, C. off, D. in) Facebook or Instagram, the only places where I see … (A. it, B. them, C. him D. that) nowadays.
For really long time motherhood was taken – women had held, but that has change long time ago so I don´t see any point in saying that women without kids is the fault of nature.
a) the only purpose b) mission c) remit d) vocation
The argument that if women won´t have kids our economy will – is ridiculous. Our economy is on the verge of falling apart.
a) fall apart b) be destroyed c) fail d) be end
The point in geting married from womans – is long gone. Back in history it was really important for status, money and the hole aspect of survival.
a) point of wiew b) perspective c) angle d) skin
For _____ women, motherhood is the ultimate fulfillment, and I get it.
a) a minimum b) a lots of c) a lot of d) most
Of course, I _____ finding a loving partner, someone kind, sweet, and maybe even handsome,
a) wouldn’t care b) might c) am looking forward to d) did started
No, I don’t think I’ll get married – _____ I do want to find love,
a) although b) because c) shell d) may
For b), c), d) women, motherhood is the ultimate fulfillment, and I get it.
Of course, I a), c), d), finding a loving partner, someone kind, sweet, and maybe even handsome.
No, I don´t think I´ll get married a) I do want to find love.
Hello, Zorka, watch out for the following:
1. věta c) a d) jsou správně, ale A LOTS OF – neexistuje –> musí být A LOT OF nebo LOTS OF
2. věta – správně může být pouze C) – ostatní slovesa se nevážou s -ing
Fantastic job, ladies. Try to answer each other’s questions without looking back at the original text.
More importantly, of course I wouldn’t mind ——– a partner, a kind, sweet, and –why not– handsome guy who I’d fall in love with hard.
a) shopping b) locateing c) finding d) searching
Because so far, I haven’t heard the call of nature and, to be honest, I don’t think I —- will.
a) ever b) never c) – d) should
Yes, women who don’t want to be mothers are said to be selfish, or even worse, they are believed to hate children, which is very, very ——– in a female.
a) inappropriate b) suspicious c) folding d) unkind
But shush, a woman can’t say that she doesn’t want kids too loud, because that’s often understood as a _________ to human nature, and a true act of selfishness.
A. mistake B. deflection C. betrayal D. split
C) betrayal
No, I don’t think I will get married –___________ I want to find love– and no, I might not want kids.
A. even B. however C. although D. still
C) although
Chtěla jsem dát EVEN, ale to se pojí s IF, jestli se nepletu.
Although je správně.
Šlo by i even though (přestože) – ta možnost tu není
even if = i když, i kdyby
They have a husband –not often the best choice– and one or two children, which they eagerly ________ the one and only place where I can meet them nowadays, Facebook or Instagram.
A. view on B. display on C. reveal D. show off
Tady nevím. Pochopila jsem, že je dychtivě “ukazují”, ale neumím si tady přeložit “the one”, protože to znám jako např. to/ten/ta jediná.
Slovíčka v odpovědích bohužel neznám.
A. view on……beru jako pohled na
B. display on…….znám než např. monitor?
C. reveal …….jsem viděla poprvé tady na jazyko.cz a už jsem si nepamatovala co znamená, našla jsem, že je to odhalit, prozradit, ukázat
D. show……ukázat a off se většinou pojí s nějakým ukončením
Zdravím, Martino , the one and only = jediné, takže:
which they eagerly display on (vystavují) the one and only place where I can meet them nowadays, Facebook or Instagram.
view = shlédnout
display = vystavit, zobrazit
reveal = odhalit
show = ukázat ALE show off = vytahovat se
Soňo, moc děkuji za vysvětlení:-). Marti