Bleskové opáčko: All about me
10 min.
Gramatika cvičení: Can, can't, could, couldn't 1/5
3 min.
Gramatika cvičení: Can, can't, could, couldn't 2/5
3 min.
Gramatika cvičení: Can, can't, could, couldn't 3/5
4 min.
Gramatika vysvětlení: Can, can't, could, couldn't 4/5
4 min.
Gramatika opakování: Can, can't, could, couldn't 5/5
6 min.
Bleskové opáčko: All about me
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Bleskové opáčko: How Was Your Vacation - Part II
10 min.
Gramatika: Minulý čas prostý - kladné věty a záporné věty 1/5
5 min.
Gramatika cvičení: Minulý čas prostý - kladné věty a záporné věty 2/5
3 min.
Gramatika cvičení: Minulý čas prostý - kladné věty a záporné věty 3/5
3 min.
Gramatika vysvětlení: Minulý čas prostý - kladné věty a záporné věty 4/5
3 min.
Gramatika opakování: Minulý čas prostý - kladné věty a záporné věty 5/5
10 min.
Bleskové opáčko: How Was Your Vacation - Part II
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Čtení a poslech: The Reese Can Do It 1/2
Abyste se něco naučili, tak je třeba spousta různého procvičování, abyste se na gramatiku podívali ze všech úhlů. V dnešní lekci si procvičíte sloveso CAN při čtení.
- Přečtěte a poslechněte si text o jedné talentované rodině a soustřeďte se na hlavní myšlenky.
- Pod textem si udělejte krátký kvíz, ať si ověříte, jak jste textu porozuměli.
- Přečtěte si text znovu a soustřeďte se na sloveso CAN a jeho použití.
Pracujte 15 minut.
The Reese Can Do It!
The Reese family from Alabama, USA are probably the most talented family in the country.
Peter is the father of the family. He’s 44 years old and he can do almost everything. He can build a house and he can fix a car. He is also very fit. Every day, he goes jogging in his neighbourhood and he can run 20 kilometers under an hour. He can also play football very well. He plays in the local club! Peter can’t speak any foreign languages, but his wife, Sandra, certainly can! She can speak German, Spanish and even French. And she can sing and dance, too. She sings in the local choir. She can also ride a horse. If you want, she can teach you.
They have two kids and they both can do a lot of things too. Sally, 20, can’t sing and dance like her mum and she can’t speak so many languages either, but she can play tennis and basketball and she is very good at it. She plays in the state’s representation team. She can also play the piano and the violin.
Clara, the younger daughter can run very well. She’s only 16 years old but she is going to the Olympic Games next year. She can’t run long distances like her father but she can run very fast. She can run 100m under 11 seconds. She can also bake the best cakes in the world! And her parents love eating them.
Even the grandma is amazing. She is 63 and she can dance Salsa like a young girl and she can tell you the capital cities of all countries in the world. Only grandpa Reese is different. He can’t do anything special. He can’t sing or dance, he can’t do any sports and he can’t play any musical instrument.
- The family lives in the American state of Alabama .
- Peter can build a house or fix a car.
- He can’t speak any foreign languages.
- Sandra can speak three foreign languages.
- Sandra can also ride a horse and she can teach you if you want.
- Peter and Sandra have have got two children.
- Sally is 20.
- Sally can’t dance or speak any foreign languages.
- She can play sports and she can also play the piano and the violin.
- Clara can run very fast.
- Clara can bake delicious cakes.
- Grandma Reese can dance Salsa.
- Grandpa Reese can’t do anything special.
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